Parenting with Love and Logic Registration My name is: I am a (choose one or more): parent/guardian/caregiveryouth worker/mentorcommunity partner/service providercoach/educator/behavioral support provider I am (choose one): under 18 yrs18 - 24 yrs25 - 34 yrs35 - 44 yrs45 - 54 yrs55- 65 yrs65+ yrs I am a resident of (choose one): Abbeville CountyAiken CountyAllendale CountyAnderson CountyBamberg CountyBarnwell CountyBeaufort CountyBerkeley CountyCalhoun CountyCharleston County Cherokee CountyChester CountyChesterfield County Clarendon CountyColleton County Darlington CountyDillon CountyDorchester County Edgefield CountyFairfield CountyFlorence County Georgetown County Greenville County Greenwood County Hampton CountyHorry CountyJasper CountyKershaw CountyLancaster CountyLaurens CountyLee CountyLexington CountyMarion CountyMarlboro CountyMcCormick CountyNewberry CountyOconee County Orangeburg County Pickens CountyRichland CountySaluda County Spartanburg County Sumter CountyUnion CountyWilliamsburg CountyYork County Number of youth in my care: 1-34-67+ I am interested in (choose all that apply): parenting classesyouth/family conferencespeaking with a Crisis Counselor Best phone number to reach me at (include area code): Best email to reach me at: How I learned about Sea Haven: